Rowing Crazy

About Petra Amara

Written by Petra Amara -
CEO & Founder of RowingCrazy, National Rower, Coxswain Womens Eight Team, Rowing Coach & Writer

Petra is a Mother of two and owner of Petra lives and breathes rowing, she also has a passion for writing which lead her to start to share her rowing experience and expertise with others.

Learn More About Petra Here!

The Importance of Electrolyte Replacement Drinks When Using a Rowing Machine

low carb electrolyte drink

Exercise is good for the body and the mind. It helps develop your muscles and allows them to maintain a good working capacity. It also helps you manage your weight and keep you from many diseases that are related to being fat or overweight. Some of the diseases that exercise can help you with are diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. With the proper regimen, you can avoid these diseases and maintain a healthy life. Doing physical activities can also help in releasing toxins and other unwanted substances from your body by increasing the amount you sweat and urinate. Overall, such activities allow your body to work at an optimum level. read more

The Importance of Electrolyte Replacement Drinks When Using a Rowing Machine Read More »

How does your fitness routine influence what you eat?

How does your fitness routine influence what you eat?

Overweight and obesity are two common prevalent problems confronting most European societies. In fact, a country like Great Britain has often been labelled as an “obese society”, where being overweight is considered normal. Most times the problem can be easily be traced to overeating and living a sedentary lifestyle. Many people have various reasons for not engaging in workouts, and you will probably have yours too if you care less about your fitness. read more

How does your fitness routine influence what you eat? Read More »