Rowing Crazy

About Petra Amara

Written by Petra Amara -
CEO & Founder of RowingCrazy, National Rower, Coxswain Womens Eight Team, Rowing Coach & Writer

Petra is a Mother of two and owner of Petra lives and breathes rowing, she also has a passion for writing which lead her to start to share her rowing experience and expertise with others.

Learn More About Petra Here!

12 Best Rowing Machines That Supersede All! [2025]

best rowing machine

Your Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Best Home Rowing Machine

Not all rowing machines are created equal. Depending on your needs, some will deliver better health and fitness results than others. There is a rich variety of them, some that are sleeker and more highly-refined and others that are less so.  read more

12 Best Rowing Machines That Supersede All! [2025] Read More »

Don’t Over Look The Stamina Air Rower – It Delivers So Much Punch!

stamina air rower delivers punch

The Stamina Air Rowers are affordable and high-quality rowing machines that are great for users at any level. Since their founding in 1987, they’ve aimed to create quality yet affordable fitness products that last.

In a Hurry? Here are the Rowers We Are Comparing

If you’re in a hurry and need to know which rower is better between Stamina ATS Air Rower or Stamina X Air Rower, click on the links below for our answers.

  1. Stamina ATS Air Rower
  2. Stamina X Air Rower

*We review fitness products impartially and may earn a commission from affiliate links. For details see our disclosure page.

We’ve conducted a thorough evaluation of each rowing machine to help you make an informed decision on which one to purchase. Our findings are shared below in greater detail.

Let’s Get Started On This!

At Rowing Crazy, we know that when you’re buying an indoor rowing machine, the one thing you are looking for is the best quality possible without necessarily having to break the bank. Having canvassed the indoor rowing market, we’ve identified the two air rowers as machines that fit this description pretty well.

1. Stamina ATS Air Rower

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Don’t Over Look The Stamina Air Rower – It Delivers So Much Punch! Read More »

Aviron Rower Review: Impact & Strong Series – Are They Worth It?

aviron rower review

Have you noticed how suddenly it seems like everyone is talking about indoor rowing machines? I remember when rowing machines were delegated to a dark corner of the gym, but today, it’s the opposite. It’s like everyone wants to have their own indoor rowing machine.

Perhaps people are finally discovering what experts have known for decades— rowing is a full-body workout that offers strength training and a terrific cardiovascular exercise.

If you’ve been thinking of buying a rowing machine for your home gym, you aren’t alone. However, one look online or a glance through Amazon using the keywords “indoor rowing machine” will get you hundreds of results.

In a Hurry?  Here are the Rowers We Are Comparing:

If you’re in a hurry and need to know which rower is better between Aviron Impact and Aviron Strong Series, click on the links below for our answers.

  1. The Aviron Impact Series
  2. The Aviron Strong Series

*We review fitness products impartially and may earn a commission from affiliate links. For details see our disclosure page.

This article will provide a comprehensive review of these rowing machines, examining each one closely and sharing our discoveries for each machine.

Magnetic resistance, air rowers, water resistance, LCD monitors, and touchscreen tablets… it can all be so confusing! Many rowing machines today are the same but different, know what I mean?

Do you want a home rower that stands out from the crowd? I thought so!

Today, I want to talk to you about a rowing machine brand that has been gaining a lot of attention – the Aviron and its two models.

These aren’t your typical 1980s rowing machines, and you’re going to be impressed by some of their interactive features.

There’s a lot to cover, so sit down and keep reading our Aviron rower review. You do not want to miss this!

Comparison Between the Two Aviron Rowing Machine Models

If you’re short on time, or you just need a few facts, check out this quick informational chart which will explain the differences between these two rowing machines—the Impact and Strong Series—both made by Aviron.

Quick Comparison Chart: Impact Vs Strong Series

Concept2 Model Name
Aviron Impact Series Aviron Strong Series
Size of the Monitor 22-inch HD touchscreen 22-inch HD touchscreen
Workout Modes 8 different modes 8 different modes
Maximum User Weight Limit 397 Pounds 507 Pounds
Machine Weight 93 pounds 114 Pounds
Storage Dimensions 54” L x 21” W x 62” H (folded) 35” L x 27” W x 83 H (upright)
Overall Dimensions 97” L x 21” W x 43” H 84” L x 27” W x 48” H
Type of Resistance Dual resistance
Air and Magnetic
Dual resistance
Air and Magnetic
Current Price (Subject to Change) $2,199 $2,299
Monthly Subscription Cost (Subject to Change) $29 $29

Many companies make their best product first, and then move to smaller, cheaper models later on, but Aviron has taken into account everything that users have asked for and put it into a new series.

Aviron has recently come out with a newer model called the Strong Series, and in this review, I will talk about both machines.

You are really going to be impressed with the Aviron rowing machine, no matter which model you choose!

1. The Aviron Impact Series Rowing Machine

Get the Best Deal at Aviron  Compare on Amazon read more

Aviron Rower Review: Impact & Strong Series – Are They Worth It? Read More »