If you’re in the market for a water rowing machine, you may have noticed that there’s a bit of competition in the at-home workout equipment arena. Two of the strongest contenders are the Ergatta connected rower and WaterRower Club, and they are often compared.
One of the many questions that people ask is whether both rowing machines are made by WaterRower. The Ergatta connected rower is made by WaterRower, while its game-based connected feature is designed by Ergatta.
Keep reading as we will talk about the details below.
Before you invest in a connected fitness machine, such as the Ergatta or any other rower, you should have all the facts on hand so you can make a wise investment.
Rowers are constantly evolving with new technology and the price tag will match, so in today’s article, I want to explain what the Ergatta has to offer, where it is made, and other questions you may have about this at-home workout machine.
Are you ready? Keep reading, this won’t take long, and the information is well worth your time.
Are Ergatta Rowing Machines Made by WaterRower?
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Ergatta rowers (the actual machines) are made by WaterRower Club. In short, the Ergatta rowing machine has the same quality of construction and authenticity as a WaterRower.
What makes it different from WaterRower is the software that makes it a connected rower, made by the Ergatta team, a company that comes with a long experience in designing video games.
Who Owns Ergatta?
The Ergatta water rower is owned by the Ergatta Company, headed by Tom Aulet, Ergatta’s founder and CEO.
Aulet wanted to make a connected rower that people of all fitness levels would find more fun to use than instructor-led classes. He noted that children get tons of exercise by engaging in sports or games, so why can’t adults do the same thing?
- Click Here to Read My Full Review on the Ergatta Rower
Where Are Ergatta Water Rowers Made?
WaterRower Club manufactures the frame and the rower itself in Long Island in the good old USA. The rowers are handmade from cherry wood.
Where Is Ergatta Located?
Home to Ergatta is New York, New York, and that’s also where the software is developed and continually updated.
If you want a rowing machine that is entirely made in the USA, this is the perfect water rowing machine for you.
What Does the Ergatta Rower Offer?
One look a the Ergatta and you’ll immediately notice its high-quality materials and craftsmanship. The frame is made from beautiful cherry wood. The water tank is light gray and clear. The cushioned seat and monitor make this rower look like a modern new chair or should I say, a connected chair!
I bet if the Facebook logo was on the screen, 99 percent of people would sit down and start rowing!
Screen options
Although the monitor is Wi-Fi-enabled (or you can connect via an ethernet cable), there is no browser or access to Facebook. What’s in it is something so much better and different than any other water rower on the market.
The Ergatta offers a rowing experience that is unlike any other. Forget that fish game you’ve seen on Concept 2; what you’ll find in Ergatta are rowing workouts presented in a digital gaming platform. In the Meteor workouts, for instance, you can get so caught up rowing hard to hit your targets that you forget you’re working out.
How I store my rower
There are new games added every week, and if games are not your thing, you may want to check out racing.
At this time the racing challenge is not live, but it certainly feels as if it is! You race against other users in your fitness level group who have already completed a race. Their time is saved and you are racing against their previous time. Since you don’t know what that time is, this feels like live racing.
This rower features built-in speakers and supports Bluetooth-enabled headphones and heart rate monitors.
The Ergatta team announced that the Ergatta platform will have more interaction with other Ergatta users, including live racing events, but there has been no actual release date announced yet.
What Is the Ergatta Warranty?
The Ergatta row machine is covered by a 5-year warranty on the structural frame, 3 years on parts, and one year on the tablet.
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Is There a Monthly Fee for the Ergatta Rowing Machine?
Yes, there is.
Currently, the monthly fee for the Ergatta connected rower software is $29 a month or $290 a year.
By purchasing a year of Ergatta membership in advance, it’s like getting two months of workouts for free! No other rowing machines that I know of offer this deal!
Does the Ergatta Connected Rower Offer Interval Workouts?
It absolutely does.
You have so many choices with the Ergatta connected rower. There are monthly challenges, racing, games, and interval workouts.
The very first workout you do on the Ergatta connected rower is a 1,000-meter row to calibrate your profile. This helps the system set up your fitness level and establish personalized Intensity Zones to customize your workouts and improve your performance stats.
After every 10 games or races, the Ergatta will perform an automatic recalibration process that increases the resistance if you have improved and sets new fitness goals.
The screen is easy to read and has tabs for different workout options – Push program, Open Row, Race Workouts, and Interval training.
There is an Ergatta community on Facebook. It is super supportive, and it’s also where Ergatta users share their experiences with the community.
There are no fitness classes, instructors, or off-the-rower workouts, but you do get a unique workout experience that you won’t find anywhere else.
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Can You Upgrade a WaterRower to Ergatta Rower?
If you already own WaterRower Club water rowing machines but wish you had the Ergatta water rower software, you can purchase the Ergatta upgrade package.
This package will allow you to make your water rower an Ergatta experience, including the boat races, games, and other workouts based on gaming.
No air rowers or other water rowers can compete with the upgrade package or the software that Ergatta uses for at-home rowers.
Get the Best Deal at Ergatta Compare on Amazon
Final Thoughts
Nothing on earth feels like a rowing machine workout, does it? Whether you want race workouts or instructor-led workouts, today’s new connected rowing machines are fantastic for helping you get a full-body workout and do it all from the comfort of your home.
That’s all well and good, but here’s the catch. Exercise machines only work if you use them, so make sure to choose a machine that you will be motivated to use regularly. If playing games and racing competitions is what you need to get you rowing, then the Ergatta is exactly what you’ve been looking for.
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Written by Petra Amara – RowingCrazy.com
CEO & Founder of RowingCrazy, National Rower, Coxswain Womens Eight Team, Rowing Coach & Writer
Petra is a Mother of two and owner of Rowingcrazy.com. Petra lives and breathes rowing, she also has a passion for writing which lead her to start RowingCrazy.com to share her rowing experience and expertise with others.